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Tacoma's Premium Powder Coating OF THE NORTHWEST

Our Powder Coating Services provide professional application of powder coatings on various metal surfaces, ensuring even coverage and proper adhesion. Our skilled technicians prepare the surfaces by removing contaminants and applying appropriate pretreatment methods to ensure optimal adhesion and longevity of the coating.
We are located in Tacoma, WA, but we service all of the Puget Sound region.

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One of the key benefits of powder coating is its exceptional durability. The cured powder coating forms a tough, resistant barrier that protects the metal from corrosion, scratches, and UV radiation. This makes it ideal for applications that require long-lasting and weather-resistant finishes, such as automotive parts, outdoor furniture, machinery, and architectural elements.

In addition to its durability, powder coating offers a wide range of colors and finishes to choose from. This allows for customization and the ability to match specific design requirements. The powder coating process also produces a uniform and consistent finish, free from brush strokes, drips, or runs, which enhances the overall aesthetics of the coated object.

Powder coating is environmentally friendly. Unlike traditional liquid coatings, powder coatings do not contain solvents, which can be harmful to the environment. Unused powder can also be recycled, minimizing waste and reducing the overall environmental impact.

Our powder coating services offer a high-quality and durable finish for metal objects, combining aesthetics with functionality. Whether you need to restore the appearance of an old piece, protect a new product, or add a unique color to your project, powder coating services can provide a reliable and attractive solution.

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Our Powder Coating Work:

Powder Coating for Wheels

Powder coating for wheels is like giving your car’s wheels a protective and stylish makeover! Imagine dressing up your wheels in a vibrant, durable, and smooth finish that not only makes them look snazzy but also acts as a shield against everything the road throws at them. It’s a process where the wheels are carefully cleaned and then sprayed with a colorful powder that sticks to the surface. After that, the wheels are baked in an oven until the powder melts into a solid, shiny coat. It’s a way to make your wheels look new, feel tough, and last longer.

Show Off Your Style:

With a wide range of colors and finishes available, powder coating lets you choose the perfect look that reflects your personality. Whether you want a sleek matte black or a sparkling metallic gold, your wheels can make a statement!

Tough Love for Your Wheels:

The road can be rough, but powder coating gives your wheels the strength to withstand chipping, scratching, and fading. It’s like a superhero suit for your wheels, defending them from daily wear and tear.

Friendly to Mother Earth:

Unlike some traditional paints, powder coating doesn’t use harmful solvents. So while your wheels are looking fantastic, you’re also doing a favor for the environment.

Saves Your Wallet in the Long Run:

Even though it might seem like an investment upfront, powder coating can actually save you money over time. By keeping your wheels looking fresh and free from damage, you’ll likely spend less on repairs or replacements.

Shine Through All Seasons:

Come rain, snow, or sunshine, powder-coated wheels are ready to face all weather conditions. They won’t lose their charm or get rusty, making sure your wheels look fantastic all year round.

Another benefit of powder coating wheels is its resistance to fading and discoloration. While traditional painted wheels can fade over time due to exposure to sunlight and harsh weather conditions, powder coated wheels retain their vibrant color and finish for a longer period. This ensures that your wheels will continue to look great even after years of use.